About Political Hangover

I worked in the halls of Capitol Hill in the 1990s. In 2002, I joined a gubernatorial campaign in South Carolina and helped unseat a sitting Governor. For eight years, I worked for Governor Mark Sanford, first as the policy director becoming Chief of Staff in early 2008. That’s when it got wild - watching a rising Republican star implode a little more than a year later in an international scandal. For the last eighteen months, we orchestrated an unlikely and seemingly impossible resurrection.

There are two ways to leave politics: in handcuffs or a pine box. I chose differently. After more than 20 years in the political world at the state and national level, I walked away in 2015 because things were going from bad to worse. After spending a few years in the wilderness, I try to make sense of the political world while living in the real world.

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Once a guy in politics. I'm feeling better now. Internationally acclaimed finder of lost stamps and governors.


Former Chief of Staff to Governor Mark Sanford, Capitol Hill veteran. CEO of a non-profit organization. Political has-been and stamp collecting enthusiast. I've made international news for finding a lost governor and a lost stamp.